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6 Gastronomic Trends for 2020 That you Need to Know About

Gastronomic trends for 2020

Every year, new movements appear, across several areas, and gastronomy is no exception. As the new year approaches, gastronomic trends for 2020 are already beginning to take shape.

Concern for the environment has increased, as well as the search for healthier and more sustainable options at the table. The year of 2020 will be, above all, marked by a return to the land and the origins, with an emphasis on natural products.

Below, we present some of the main gastronomic trends for 2020.


1. Natural and healthy food on the rise

The growing search for natural food items is here to stay, by being one of the gastronomic trends for 2020. We are witnessing a global growth in the demand for organic products and natural ingredients, such as fruits and vegetables. As a result, there is a rejection of processed foods, full of dyes and preservatives.

Nowadays, eating healthily is much more than eating mostly salads or soups. The replacement of processed food items for more natural and healthier foods is recurrent. One example is the use of coconut sugar, stevia or honey to replace refined sugar. Sunflower oil is also being replaced by good olive oil, coconut oil or sesame oil. Even oat, linseed or almond flour has been replacing wheat flour.

As far as fast food is concerned, it will still take time for it to lose its strength in the market. However, more and more people are looking for healthier food options. The growing supply of vegan, vegetarian, lactose-free and gluten-free food has facilitated the access to healthier meals.


2. Awareness on sustainability

Zero Waste or Trash Cooking will undoubtedly be one of the major gastronomic trends across 2020. We are talking about the reuse of leftover ingredients in new recipes or preparations. For example, vegetable and fruit peelings can be the basis for creating new concepts and aromas. Vegetable stalks can also be used to make soups or purées.

The creation of vegetable gardens across restaurants themselves is also increasingly common. It is therefore possible to enjoy an organic meal, with 100% fresh ingredients and in a more sustainable way.

Minimising waste and protecting the environment are increasingly important ideas for chefs. They are also ways of reinventing themselves, by helping to raising sustainability awareness on the final consumer.

Reducing the use of plastic packaging will be another gastronomic trend for 2020, through establishing alternatives. The substitution of plastic straws, cups and plates by reusable materials (bamboo, porcelain, glass and metal) has grown. In addition to decreasing the use of plastics, the awareness on reducing the human ecological footprint on the planet is increasing.


3. Back to the origins, one of the strong gastronomic trends for 2020

Returning to the origins is to return to the local market, by valuing what is national. Privileging regional and seasonal products is an increasingly present concept across the best restaurants in our country. The outcome is meals full of memories, which remind us of our mothers and grandparents around the stove.

Apart from bringing us happy memories, these meals are, usually, more economic and healthier. The recovery of Portuguese traditional cuisine awakens nostalgia amongst customers and values the best we have in Portugal.


4. “Grab and Go” and “Home Deliveries”

Although different, these two concepts have managed to attract more and more followers. The fast pace of daily life does not always allow us to devote a lot of time to preparing meals. As such, these two solutions make our days easier.

Grab and go proves that fast food does not always have to be a nutritional hazard. It consists of a service based on displays with ready-to-eat food. The products are usually well-made, fresh and healthy.

This concept covers all food categories, from drinks to light meals. Available food items can even meet the requirements of various types of diet (vegan, vegetarian or celiac).

The delivery of food at home has also aroused growing interest. Restaurants are increasingly partnering with service delivery applications. It is already possible to plan a dinner with friends or family, without leaving home and without having to work on its preparation.

These two trends are mainly adopted by millennials, who seek to eat with quality, but without spending too much time.


5. The bowls’ fashion

Meals in bowls are increasingly in vogue, by being a gastronomic trend, which will extend throughout 2020.

Bowls have the particularity of adjusting to any type of food, from hot dishes, desserts, fruit mix or salads. They are so versatile that they can be used during the morning snack, in the afternoon or in one of the main meals.

In addition, they can also adapt to different food preferences, from vegetarian or vegan to meat lovers. They also provide a strong and appealing visual impact to the dish, by arising curiosity of the most traditional consumer.


6. Probiotic food items

Probiotic or fermented food items are not new, but will continue to be one of the gastronomic trends during 2020.

These food items are nutritionally rich and improve intestinal health, even for those suffering from lactose intolerance. They also assist at the production of antibodies, important to our health. Probiotics include food items such as yoghurt, kefir, kombucha, kimchi, miso and aged cheese.


At Costa Verde, we are always aware of the new global trends, not only regarding porcelain, but also in everything surrounding it.  Sustainability and awareness concepts have long been part of our daily lives. We are certified with the Environmental Management System, which is why we are proud to contribute actively towards preserving the environment.

Reduce the use of plastic in your meals and opt for the quality of Costa Verde’s porcelain products. In addition to providing refinement to your meal, you will be helping the planet.

Now that you know some of the gastronomic trends for 2020, come and become part of the future! Visit our website and get to know, in our catalogues, all the available options. Discover the Universal collection and its bowls, or the Duo collection, used across the best restaurants of traditional Portuguese cuisine.





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