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Memories of Paulinho da Fonseca Tell the Story of Costa Verde

Costa Verde

MyCostaVerde is our project! An idea that came up with the aim of perpetuating all those who, during their life, worked in Costa Verde. A collection of experiences and memories, which are part of our corporate heritage.

Today, we bring you one of the faces, which marks the history of our company. Someone who has left us an incredible legacy and who has worked with us for 26 years! We introduce you Eduardo Paulinho da Fonseca.


Who is Eduardo Paulinho da Fonseca?

He has recently retired, in 2017, and says he can’t remember, for sure, when he began his professional activity in the company. Previously, he had worked in construction, an area he has not returned to, since he started working at Costa Verde.

Today, from the top of his 66 years-old, it remembers, already with nostalgia, the times during which he worked with us. His work was always connected to furnaces: first the glazing furnace and, later on, the decoration furnace.

It was under great joy that Mr. Eduardo accepted our invitation to take part in MyCostaVerde project. In his testimony, he says he already “misses his colleagues”, with whom he always liked working. He even says: “Today, if I could, I would still be working in here. I enjoyed working here”.



Costa Verde tells a story made of people

The history of organizations is made up from the stories of people … Of all those who have made their contribution and helped to turn the company into what it is today.

The management of the so-called human capital refers to the management of the whole potential that the company concentrates on its employees. Valuing the knowledge, experiences and skills of its employees is an important basis for the success of companies. Knowing how to recognize the value of people helps them to, significantly, contribute to productivity and development.

At Costa Verde, we embrace our social responsibilities. In every decision made, we take into account the community where we are included and the environment where we operate. In our activity, we always promote the ethical values characterizing us. We value respect for human rights, protection of the environment and compliance with social regulation.

Investing in the personal valuation of our employees is something we are accustomed to and MyCostaVerde project is an example of this.


Discover MyCostaVerde project

Come and meet Costa Verde, personally, through this initiative. Drink from the knowledge and experience of our employees, nowadays seniors, full of simplicity and objectivity.

It was under full and open heart that we received, in a day of special joy, all these friends of ours. Their return to our facilities provided moments of union and reunion with the current administration. The result was a reinforcement of our identity and the value we create daily and put into the global marketplace.

We would like to thank Mr. Eduardo Paulinho da Fonseca for his availability towards everybody, by sharing his experience.



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