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Costa Verde: The Testimony of José Carlos and Francelina Cruz

Costa Verde

At Costa Verde we intend, through MyCostaVerde project, to pay tribute to those who have given us so much. There were many who, throughout their active life, contributed to build the present. Thanks to them, we are today a solid and global company, present a little all over the world.

With this initiative, we want to make known the experiences and memories of former employees, who are currently retired. Joint us on this journey through time!


Costa Verde: More than porcelain, people!

People are a strategic pillar of organizations and that is precisely our understanding. We are a young company, 27 years-old, but already with evidence given and a long way tracked.

Through MyCostaVerde project, we wish to praise all our employees. To thank all those who, each day, have actively contributed into continuing this successful journey.

Today, we’re honouring a couple who accompanied us for many years: we are talking about Francelina and José Carlos Cruz! They both started working in the factory, back in 2001, by having retired 8 years later. Today, with 66 years-old, they remember their experiences and professional paths.


José Carlos and Francelina Cruz – A path made side by side

José Carlos performed, in an exemplary manner, the position of head of the pottery section. His wife, Francelina, was part of his team in the finishing area.

Retired back in 2009, José Carlos and Francelina talk about their path in the company with much nostalgia. They are good examples of someone who passed here and gave much of themselves each day. Through their statement, they wanted to leave a message of encouragement to all those who work here today. “If the company evolves, they will also evolve,” says José Carlos. And he also adds: “I see Costa Verde, comparing to the time I was here, much more developed. Very well organized, a company which is on good track! With collections, therefore, new things, which will provide it with a wider range of products for sale”.

Ready to return to the company, if necessary, and happy to meet again with long-time colleagues, Francelina confesses: “If Costa Verde needed my services again, I would love to come working. I liked it immensely, I was very satisfied, and I am very proud of the factory it has turned into”.

The former employee also expresses her joy at returning. “I am very happy to be here today, to see the factory the way it is and to meet old colleagues. I’m very pleased to be with them. ”

Her husband agrees with her: “I would come with pleasure! (…) I left some memories here. It’s a very… bond. I loved being here at Costa Verde”.


This is what organizations are about! Sharing and union to walk together and towards the same direction. For this reason, we say that Costa Verde is much more than porcelain! Yesterday, today and tomorrow, always with you.

Soon, we promise to bring you more news about the meritorious MyCostaVerde project!



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