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Costa Verde: A modern and distinctive production unit

Costa Verde

Costa Verde holds, probably, the best porcelain production unit in the whole world. This can be confirmed through the several people and national and international entities visiting her.

The company started its activity back in 1992 and, since its beginning, it has heavily wagered in modern equipment, if not even at state-of-the-art equipment. That was, maybe, due to the fact of having been one of the last production units, being built in the European Union area.


Costa Verde: Premium machinery and a registered patent

The administration of Costa Verde holds a deep knowledge of the market and resources of porcelain industry. Therefore, from an early age, it took the strategic option of holding quality facilities and machinery. Thus, equipment is, mostly, if not totally, of German origin.

But the administrators’ work, mandated by the shareholders’ group, didn’t stop here. For almost 27 years, Costa Verde has managed to update itself. It was able, sometimes, to stop and study better working methods, always seeking to be effective and efficient.

A consequence of that unceasing search for new methods and work forms is the well-known FRHM – Full Ready Handle Machine. It is all about a project of authorship of Costa Verde, unique in the world. The trademark has already been purchased by SAMA, a porcelain sector reference, worldwide.

The well-known German machines’ trademark aims, thus, to developing and disseminating this new technology, which has come to revolutionize handle production, by shortening production times and improving quality. It is, therefore, an excellent tool to increase efficiency.


The philosophy aimed at generating added value and less waste

When we refer to Costa Verde as a modern and distinctive production unit, it is essential to remember that this work is mainly focused on employees. Without them, the company would never exist. People and equipment are the structuring pillars of any industry.

Since 2007, Lean Management is a reality in Costa Verde. It is, indeed, used as the modus operandi’s main structure, extremely important to the organization, on a daily basis.

For the less informed, this is about a business management philosophy, aimed at creating value in companies by reducing waste. To apply it, it is essential to change the mindset, and break paradigms related to the way activities are managed.

This work has been implemented and boosted in partnership with Kaizen Institute. The approach has allowed Costa Verde the maximization of its resources and productivity improvement. Consequently, waste, cost and time were minimized, always aiming the promotion of actions, which, after all, have added value to the client.

Did you get curious on this way of being and acting? Costa Verde has its doors wide-open, in order to show you the one that is, probably, the best porcelain production unit in the whole world. Come and visit its facilities, in Vagos!



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