Costa Verde is recognized for having, probably, the best and most well-equipped porcelain manufacturing facility in the world. Despite all the investments made since its foundation, it understands the people – the employees – as structuring pillars of its activity.
By being a creator of employment and value, Costa Verde count on, nowadays, with around 340 employees. It comprises highly qualified professionals and a continuous training plan that provides relevant enrichment and know-how. Human resources are the integrating axis of that which is the living cell that is called organization.
Costa Verde is a company certified under several standards, which, directly or indirectly, interact with “their” people. We’re referring, first of all, to OHSAS 18001, which proves that the well-being of employees is a priority in the organization.
At Costa Verde, we consider people as one of our main resources, if not the most important one. We believe that, by training and qualifying them, we’re making a high-return investment, thus contributing to sustainable development.
Therefore, since 2007, Costa Verde is also an accredited organization by DGERT – General Directorate for Employment and Labour Relations. This entity, which is part of the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, intends to support the design of employment policies. Professional training, certification of training entities, industrial relations and working conditions are also DGERT’s concerns. It is responsible for fostering collective procurement and for promoting social dialogue.
Increasing personal and professional skills of the employees is a challenge in which Costa Verde bets. The company works daily, in order to improve its human resources’ qualifications. Thereunto, it develops appropriate training programs, adapted to each individual, aiming their valuation.
Today, the porcelain producer has an integrated management system. The CVIS – Costa Verde Integrated System gathers the following aspects of certification:
Costa Verde believes it is on-track, since competitiveness depends on the quality of its human resources. They are the effort and dedication of all the employees who turn this one into an admired and respectful company.