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Costa Verde acknowledged and certified across several areas!

Costa Verde

Costa Verde was established in 1992, by being one of the most modern companies in its activity sector, across the European space. This porcelain producer exports around 75% of its production towards the European Union and to countries such as Denmark, Switzerland, USA, South Africa, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, South Korea, Japan and Angola.

This is possible due to a huge investment across all production areas. Costa Verde bets on the purchase of modern equipment and on the concreteness of effective processes. It holds social awareness always on site, by demonstrating an enormous respect towards the environment.


Social awareness and work conditions at Costa Verde

Human resources’ quality is taken as one of the keywords to success. The company holds its staff as essential elements towards achieving a competitive advantage. They are the one who, daily, engage all the efforts to turn Costa Verde into the respectful and admired organization that it is nowadays.

The principles held by the International Labour Organization and the UN, included in the Global Pact and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, are considered as guidelines. Therefore, Costa Verde will never hire child labour force nor will resort to forced labour. In fact, it rejects those practices.

The fulfilment of social regulations and the due respect for ethical values are something that the company does not renounce. Also considered as primary goals, are the investments across personal valuation of the employees, the respect for the community and environmental protection. All these concerns, directly or indirectly interfering with people’s lives, culminated at the certification by standards SA8000 (Social Awareness) and OSHAS 18001 (Health and Safety at Work).

Costa Verde provides, to the employees, good work conditions, namely, on what concerns to health and safety. It complies with the right to collective negotiation and freedom of association, by dealing with every worker under the maximum dignity.

It is the aim of the company to improve the well-being and the ergonomic circumstances of its human resources, by raising their satisfaction across the following conditions:

  • Work conditions;
  • Training;
  • Personal Recognition;
  • Health and Safety at Work;
  • Function Perception;
  • Communication;
  • Labour Relations;
  • Motivation;
  • Social Life in the Company;
  • Employment Stability.


Sustainable development, transparency and integrity

Along with social awareness, energy, environment and innovation management are also considered as priorities to Costa Verde. The porcelain producer seeks the sustainable development for its industrial activity and accomplishes the imposed requirements aiming to diminish environmental impact. Apart from that, it is part of its strategic goals to stand out as a socially and ethically responsible company.

Its efforts are being recognized. Costa Verde is, nowadays, a company certified by standards ISO 50001 – Energy Management System – and ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System. As foreseen in the United Nations’ Global Impact, the company guides the development of its activity through transparent actions. With the aim of meeting standard ISO 26000, it exempts integrity and sympathy between all stakeholders, by expecting a similar action from its partners.



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