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Étiquette: 15 Basic rules for good posture at the table!


Table étiquette is a theme that is not out of fashion, contrarily to what many people think. Having a correct posture during the meals is fundamental to transmit a good impression in any event.

Following a few simple rules will make your presence more discreet and elegant. Be cordial, either with the staff of a restaurant, or with the host and guests of a meal at the home of friends or family.

In business events, following basic rules of étiquette is also a way of showing professionalism. Always have a careful presentation, especially if you are having lunch or dinner with clients or partners.

In an earlier article on our blog, we gave you 10 good table manners. Stick with a few more basic étiquette tips and have a good posture at any meal.


15 Rules of étiquette to have a careful presence at the table:


Serving the food:

  1. Think of the remaining guests before serving yourself. Make a mental reasoning and calculate how many servings are available for each person, so that the food is enough for everyone.
  2. Serve yourself gradually. Do not fill the dish as if the food is about to end.
  3. If you continue to have an appetite, repeat, but always wait for the host to serve himself, unless the host tells guests to serve themselves first.



  1. Chew slowly and often.
  2. Take food to your mouth and not the other way around. There is no need to approach the head to the dish, in order to eat.
  3. Never eat with your hands, even if you are facing bone-in meat.
  4. Use the fork tip to remove the olive pits from the mouth. Do it discreetly and carefully so that they do not fall before having time to put them on the plate.
  5. Fold the lettuce leaves and other vegetables with the cutlery, to avoid opening your mouth too much, in order to eat.
  6. When eating spaghetti, disregard the use of the knife. There are those who theorize that the intake of pasta should be aided with a spoon and whoever thinks otherwise. When in doubt, use only the fork.
  7. Begin rolling the pasta that is on the edge of the dish. Doing it from the centre will cause the forks quantities to become too large, by making it difficult to swallow.
  8. Cut the spaghetti strands hanging from your teeth when you bring them to your mouth.


Knowing how to behave:

  1. Do not gesticulate with cutlery while talking and avoid jerky gestures. Make the meal a solemn moment.
  2. Avoid making noise when drinking or eating soup. Blowing your nose at the table is a prohibited practice.
  3. If you are in a restaurant, do not shout to call the clerk.
  4. Only get up from the table when everyone finishes the meal.


Follow the étiquette rules we suggest and have an exemplary posture at the table. Have good meals!



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