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Étiquette: 10 Rules and good manners at the table!


Table étiquette can be defined as the behavior that individuals adopt across social situations, in order to show as belonging to a certain group. In most cases, it is those same groups that predominate in society, whether socially, politically, or culturally.

Rules and good manners are a good motto for discussion, at a time when the way of being at the table is changing. Also, what is eaten, such as fast food, promotes behavioral changes.

Historically, étiquette was defined as the set of ceremonial rules determining the uses and order of precedence to be adopted by courts in events. These ceremonies could be public or private, as long as they were attended by heads of state or high authorities or constituted solemn acts or official dates.

There is, however, a small “major detail” that should not be forgotten. The étiquette depends on country to country and culture to culture, expressly regarding the idiosyncrasies of each people.

In this article, we will outline simple rules of étiquette that allow you to have an elegant and respectful presence when living with others in a global way.


10 Label rules to be adopted at the table:


  1. Chew with your mouth closed.
  2. Place the tissue napkin on your lap and make sure your lips are always dry and clean.
  3. Keep your elbows close to your body and avoid putting them on the table. This gesture is indicative of sloppiness, apart from limiting the space of those who are beside you.
  4. Grab small quantities of food with your fork so you do not need such a large break to chew and swallow food until you can talk.
  5. Maintain the posture throughout the whole meal. Do not give in to tiredness and straighten up discreetly when you feel too curved.
  6. Perform all the manipulation of the cutlery with the fingers and never with the palm of the hands.
  7. Rest and make paused meals. Free yourself from the cutlery by placing them in a resting position while chewing, using the napkin or talking.
  8. Face the knife as a cutting element rather than a drag one. Therefore, it should be used to cut food as it is being eaten.
  9. Use the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right hand. If the food to be consumed dispenses the use of a knife, the fork can be used in the right hand.
  10. Never touch with the cutlery on the table after the meal has begun. As you finish eating, expose the cutlery side by side with the cables facing you and positioned slightly to the right.



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