Luís Figo Foundation




“Tenha mais brócolos que barriga!”

The Luís Figo Foundation, in partnership with Costa Verde, Dentsu Creative and illustrator André Letria, launches a Solidarity Campaign with a collection of unique pieces, aiming to improve the eating habits of young people. This is an urgent cause in a country, whose childhood obesity rate ranks first in Europe. Thus, a set of pieces was developed, which brings well-known proverbs to the table, reinterpreted in a funny way, while encouraging good choices for each meal and reinforcing good eating practices.

The amount raised from the sale of the pieces goes entirely towards the purchase of healthy food baskets, which shall be delivered to families accompanied by Associação Cova do Mar, a non-profitable institution in Trafaria, developing, amongst others, social support projects for excluded communities’ families, victims of public calamities, migrants, refugees, or in similar situations.

Focused on improving the world, with you!


5,00 inclui IVA


5,00 inclui IVA


5,00 inclui IVA

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Luís Figo Foundation

The establishment of the Luís Figo Foundation has materialized the attitude of citizenship and social responsibility that Luís Figo has always assumed throughout his career, reflecting his concern to support relevant causes in Portugal and abroad. 

Since its creation, the Luís Figo Foundation has been developing relevant and thorough work in the field of social intervention in order to achieve the goals that are at its origin and are enshrined in its statutes. Acting in cooperation with civil society organizations, private companies, and governmental bodies, the Luís Figo Foundation develops its activities in the areas of Health, Education, Sports, and Social Integration.

Know more here!

Endless_Moods_Rita&Catarina ClementinAtelier

Rita Machado e Catarina Bicker são as designers licenciadas em design de cerâmica e vidro, que depois de desenvolverem as suas marcas, reencontraram-se em 2015, para abraçar novos projetos em conjunto. 

De talentos e personalidades distintas, convergem num mesmo espaço físico, situado em Lisboa, onde trabalham as suas marcas de forma independente mas sempre paralela, numa sinergia que se cria e multiplica desde então. No atelier, ambas as ceramistas criam peças de design únicas através de processos manuais, conferindo-lhes um carácter único e singular, remetendo para os artesãos e artesãs que lhes servem de inspiração. 

Apesar da produção em pequena escala, com quantidades sempre muito controladas, de modo a não abdicar da qualidade que as peças exigem, podemos encontrar o seu trabalho espalhado por vários cantos do mundo, em representação do talento português. 

Fiéis às origens e inspiração lusitana, mas sempre prontas a inovar, as ceramistas fazem uso das mais variadas técnicas e materiais, num esforço de aproximar cada vez mais o cliente da matéria prima, suscitando sensações e evocando memórias.